The Living History Village

At each Tournament there will be lots of other things to do and see. At each venue there will be Medieval music, a Jetser and a Living History Village provided by the Host group, where you will be able to wander amongst the encampment and learn a little of life in the 15th century.

The host of the tournament does not only spend money on hosting the knights, they must entertain all else who attend. At the tourneys you will find entertainment presented by a group of Musicians either Toruvere or Blast From The Past

A rich host would also employ a fool to entertain him during the quieter moments. These fellowes held a unique place in society as they were pretty much the only people who transcended class barriers they could mix with the lowest of the low but could also be found sitting at the feet of the king. They could say things that no ordinary man could get away with.

The Fools this summer are the very excellent Peterkin and Jonathan de Havilland, watch, listen laugh, enjoy:0)

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